This report will be discussing the effect of methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA), or as it’s more commonly known, Ecstasy and how it may have an effect on social interaction. This is important because people who use MDMA have a huge impact on social interaction with others and themselves. It opposes a threat because users of MDMA could not only end up hurting themselves due to abuse of the substance, or being under the influence (high), but also may harm others and the environment around them. Other names for (MDMA) are; X, E, or XTC, Candy, Happy Pill, Molly (“molecular”), Scooby Snacks, Smarties, Skittles, Vitamin E or Vitamin X. MDMA has recently become a popular drug, it is a stimulant, psychedelic drug, it also contains hallucinogenic properties and many people have reported distorted time and perception while under the influence of the substance. It is commonly used as a mood enhancer at parties and nightclubs, mostly because of the good side effects. They include; feelings of mental stimulation, emotional warmth, a general sense of wellbeing and empathy towards others. But the people who choose to abuse MDMA, don’t think about the negative outcomes such as; increased anxiety, aggression, and restlessness and reduced mental abilities such as problem solving and logical thinking. This report will investigating MDMA and the effects it has on the brain, and therefore social interaction. MDMA is an illicit drug and people are not allowed to use it in in public or private residences, it has no medical use alongside, LSD, and heroin. A Person who is found guilty of making or selling fifty grams or more, could face ten years to life in prison and/or are required to pay a fine up to four million dollars, where death or serious injuries result, the penalties increase. An individual caught in possession of five grams or more could result in five to forty years in prison


MDMA may affect the way an individual may react and interact to the environment around them, it may increase social anxiety, or increase the time spent talking to people(s) longer than normal. Being that it is a stimulant, if taken, you will not only become hyperactive, but you will be unable to concentrate therefore having an impact on the way you perceive things, such as; people, signs, roads, bus/train/tram stops etc. MDMA once found limited use in psychiatric counselling in the 1970’s, but its therapeutic use is now rare, if not, non-existent due to the cause of high abuse and no recognized medicinal use. MDMA can have many of the same physical effects as other stimulants like cocaine and amphetamines. These include increases in heart rate and blood pressure, it may also cause a dangerous increase in body temperature that may lead to kidney failure. MDMA users may experience other symptoms such as muscle tension, nausea, blurred vision, faintness, and chills or sweating. MDMA can interfere with its own metabolism, causing harmful levels of the drug to build up in the body if it is taken repeatedly within a short period of time. The surge of serotonin caused by taking MDMA depletes the brain of this important chemical, causing negative effects, including confusion, depression, sleep deprivation and anxiety that may occur soon after taking the drug. MDMA, blocks the re-uptake of serotonin, thereby leaving more serotonin in the synapse and prolonging activation. Prolonged use of MDMA results in destruction of serotonergic neurons in the brain.

The raw materials that are needed are; Safrole, Dimethylformamide (DMF), p-Benzoquinone, Palladium Chloride, Methylene Chloride, Magnesium (Mg) salt, Isopropyl Alcohol, Epsom salts, Muriatic Acid, Sodium Hydroxide, Ammonium Chloride, Paraformaldehyde, peanut oil, Acetone and Xylene, the process needed to create the drug include; Distillation, Chemical reactions and Crystallisation.

Distillation of natural oil to obtain pure Safrole, Reaction Formaldehyde + ammonium Chloride -> Methylamine. HCL, Reaction of Safrole – (Wicker Oxidation (PDCL2 + Benzoquinone)) -> MDP2P, Distillation; of reaction contents to yield pure MDP2P, MDP2P – (Al/Hg Amalgam (MeAm.HCL)) -> MDMA oil, Crystallisation of (MDMA oil + HCL in IPA/Xylene). The molecular compound of MDMA is C11 H15 NO2. Refer to figure 1.

Figure 1 - Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine compound

MDMA is an oil dried to a crystal state which has a melting temperature of 105°C and a boiling temperature of 145-153°C, it is most commonly seen as a white, or off-white powder or as crystals which have a vanilla like sent and are soluble in water, during the production, it is easily volatile. The drug’s effects last approximately 3 to 6 hours, although it is not uncommon for users to take a second dose of the drug as the effects beguin to subside. The powder is commonly distrubited in a pill form which is then taken oraly, MDMA affects the brain by increasing the activity of three neurotransmitters; serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Like other amphetamines, MDMA causes these neurotransmitters to be released, resulting in increased neurotransmitter activity. Compared to the very potent stimulant, methamphetamine, MDMA causes greater serotonin release and less dopamine. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in the regulation of behaviours. The excess release of serotonin by MDMA causes the elevating effects experienced by MDMA users. However, by releasing large amounts of serotonin, MDMA causes the brain to become depleted of this important neurotransmitter, contributing to the negative behavioural aftereffects as mentioned before.


The way that MDMA impacts social interaction is through the way users interact with other people, and how they perceive society around them. This is an important issue because everyone in each community have a right to feel and be safe. MDMA has been around for a long time, it was developed in Germany around the 1900’s, and since then it has spread around the globe and has only become more dangerous in terms of how it is manifactured. It may put other people (non users) in danger, because while the user takes the drug, it is up to them whether they have a good or bad ‘trip’, the term ‘trip’ is the name of the feeling users get when they take a drug, there have been reported good trips and bad trips, and they sound like what they are. The way a ‘trip’ is derermined comes down to who the user is and what mental state they’re in, for exampe, if the person is depressed or stressed, then their ‘trip’ is more likely to be a bad one, but if the user is in a good state of mind then the ‘trip’ will most likely be pleasant.  The way it effects the body also comes down to what other drugs the user is taking or under the influence of, some gay, bisexual men have reported to take MDMA as part of a multi-drug experience. If a user is under the influence while intoxicated, they could become violent and uncontrolable, but take MDMA on its own with no other drug, then the person would still be unpredictable, and could hurt others or themselves. MDMA has recently become a popular drug amongst young people, due to the pleasant side effects, they include but are not limited to; emotional warmth and a general sense of wellbeing.  


To summarise this report, MDMA is an illicit drug that is commonly an off-white or white powder suppressed into a pill. Studies have showen that MDMA is more likely to be used by adolescent females rather than males. It has recently become popular amongst young people due to it’s pleasant side effects, it is mostly used as a mood enhancer at parties and nightclubs, however many people choose to neglect the negitaive after-effects such as anxiety, depression and restlessness, MDMA effects the way people perceive the world around them which may pose a threat for the user and/or by-standers. MDMA causes the release of three neurotranmitters, serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, serotonin is the neurotranmitter that is in abundance when taking MDMA. MDMA blocks the re-uptake of serotonin, thereby leaving more of the substance in the synapse which prolongs activation. In 2009 2.8 million Americans aged 12-17 have admitted to taking MDMA in the year prior to being surveyed. 

Public education piece

My public education piece is a presentation to advise the general public of the information learned during this research assignment.


MCBI. Street names of MDMA;  (16/10/15)

Anne Frederickson.  Effects of MDMA; (16/10/15)

Blue light.  How does MDMA affect people; (17/10/15)

Compound Summary for CID.  How it’s made; (19/10/15)

European Monitoring Cerner for drugs and drug addiction.  Drug Profile; 

National institute on drug abuse, effects on the brain; (28/10/15)