The purpose of this report is to inform the community about the effects of taking Crystal Methamphetamines and the causes to somebody’s brain, focusing on the effect on their mental health. This informative report will provide people with information to teach them about the consequences of taking Crystal Methamphetamines has on the state of their mental health.

Mental health is somebody’s current state of mind, such as their psychological and emotional well-being. It is important for our society to have a good and stable mental health as it affects many aspects of our lives. Somebody who has good mental health is able to have healthy relationships, and grow towards their maximum potential. Somebody with a bad or unstable state of mental health is unable to maintain health and live their life to the fullest, which is unhealthy. In today’s society, people must be able to communicate with others well, as most careers and public places require communication. If somebody has poor mental health, they can also affect society by their actions causing them to shut out those around them. Psychopathic tendencies occur from an unhealthy mental state, which not only affects the person themselves, but the people around them who they possibly injure or traumatise because of their actions.

This report will begin by explaining the background information of Crystal Methamphetamine and how it enters, and reacts with the body and brain. Afterwards, how Crystal Methamphetamine affects ones mental health will be explained, using previous knowledge from the background section as support for the reasons.


Methamphetamine is a synthetic chemical, which is often produced in hidden laboratories or small house labs. 

Chemical properties

Crystal Methamphetamines’ systematic name is N-methyl-1-phenyl-propan-2-amine and the molecular formula is C10H15N. The melting point of Crystal Methamphetamine is 3 degrees Celsius, and its boiling point is 212 degrees Celsius at one atmosphere of pressure. Crystal Methamphetamine is soluble in water when at 0.5g/ml of water.

Raw materials

The raw materials that make up Crystal Methamphetamine are Ephedrine or Pseudoephedrine, Red Phosphorus, Iodine, Lithium Acid, Anhydrous Ammonia, Caustic Soda, and Hydrogen Chloride. 

Iodine and Red Phosphorus are added in low heat to the pure Pseudoephedrine. This produces Methamphetamine, although it is too acidic to be used.  When the Iodine and Red Phosphorus react together, they form a Hydriodic Acid. After this is formed, the remaining Red Phosphorus is filtered out of the chemicals and then Caustic Soda is added to be used as a neutraliser for the Methamphetamine. At this point, the Methamphetamine is in liquid form, and Hydrogen Chloride is added to turn it from a liquid into a salt. Once this is dried out it is in its final form.


Methamphetamine is made out of many different groups in the structure. These groups include:
  • Methyl 
  • Phenyl
  • Propyl
  • Amine
Figure 1: This is the 2D structure of Methamphetamine

Figure 2: This is the 3D structure of Methamphetamine

Entering the bloodstream

When Crystal Methamphetamine is taken by being smoked, the drug is in the fumes of the smoke which then goes into ones lungs. Once inside the lungs, it is able to cross into blood vessels, which are inside the lungs. The bloodstream then carries the Methamphetamine to the brain, which results in the drug-user becoming high. 

If Crystal Methamphetamine is snorted through the nose, the drug will enter the bloodstream through the blood vessels lining inside the nose, which transports the drug to the brain.

When Crystal Methamphetamine is injected into the body by using a needle, it is injected straight into a vein, therefore going straight into the bloodstream and transported to the brain within seconds. 

Also, if Crystal Methamphetamine is swallowed into the body, the drug doesn’t enter the blood stream until it begins to be digested, which occurs through the stomach.

Organ interference

Crystal Methamphetamine interferes with multiple organs in the body from long term use. Permanent damage can occur to the blood vessels of the heart and brain, and that can cause high blood pressure, and in result, strokes or heart attacks. The liver, kidney and lungs are also damaged as a result of Crystal Methamphetamine. The liver damage can include liver disease, hepatitis and cirrhosis. For kidneys, the damage includes kidney failure, and other kidney disorders. The smoking of the drug causes multiple issues with the lungs like inflammation and rapid respiration.

Brain/neuron response to chemical

When Methamphetamine gets inside neurons, the neurons begin to release extra amounts of Dopamine. This is due to the Methamphetamines tricking the neurons by being extremely similar to Dopamine, consequently, the neurons allow the drug in. When the extra levels of Dopamine are released, the drug-user then feels extra pleasure, which is usually only released during times of high adrenaline, or eating your favourite foods.
With Methamphetamine being so similar to Dopamine, it can completely change the function of the neuron. However, Methamphetamine doesn’t only affect Dopamine levels, but also another two neurotransmitters called Serotonin and Norepinephrine. With Methamphetamine affecting these as well, it is able to alter a lot of the brain, other than just the amounts of pleasure one feels.

Biochemicals/neurotransmitters involved

When Crystal Methamphetamine reaches the brain, it raises the levels of extracellular Monoamine neurotransmitters (like Dopamine, Serotonin and Norepinephrine.) Dopamine neurotransmitters control levels of content and a ‘reward pathway’ which is when the brain releases Dopamine as a reward to feel pleasure when the body does something vital to survival, like eating. Serotonin also controls pleasure feelings, and Norepinephrine controls a regulation of energy and crisis responsibilities. Crystal Methamphetamine damages these neurotransmitters, and causes them to not work properly, and kills cells and messes with the brains levels of Dopamine to release.

Reaction of receptors at the synapse

When Crystal Methamphetamine gets to the Dopamine neurotransmitter it completely invades it, and causes Dopamine to leak unnaturally out into a neuron. When it leaks into the neuron it also spills into the synapse, and since Crystal Methamphetamine blocks the process of Dopamine being able to return to the neurotransmitter, it becomes trapped inside the synapse and is unable to be reused, and causes Dopamine levels to be extremely high which is the cause of a euphoria-like sensation.

It can take 10-12 days for Dopamine levels to be replenished, and when the drug-user takes another hit of Crystal Methamphetamine, the backup supply of Dopamine gets used, and over time the amounts of Dopamine available lessen. The drug-user then craves more, and when unable to reach the high, the dose of Crystal Methamphetamine gets raised, and the brains way of transporting Dopamine back to the neuron is destroyed. This results in a lack of Dopamine which causes it to be harder to become high when taking Crystal Methamphetamine.


When a drug-user takes Crystal Methamphetamine their mental state is badly affected. Since the Crystal Methamphetamine has messed with their Dopamine levels, the drug-users brain is unable to produce the correct levels of Dopamine or use the remaining Dopamine correctly due to the Crystal Methamphetamine blocking the neurons. 
As a result of this, the drug-user cannot get a natural high, and their mental state is constantly down as their brain can’t release Dopamine as a reward for doing something important to their survival. 

Some of the side effects of Crystal Methamphetamine use relating to mental health include, 
  • Paranoia, which is when a person is in a state of mind that they believe somebody is trying to harm them, and these paranoid thoughts affect their day to day lives as they are constantly feeling as though they are being watched or monitored. 
  • Hallucinations
  • Memory Loss
  • Difficult sleeping 

When a drug-user often gets high off Crystal Methamphetamine, they experience ‘ice psychosis’ which is when the drug-user has paranoid delusions, violent behaviour and hallucinations, these effects can last a few days. After the drug high is gone, the drug-user can become depressed, anxious and yet again, paranoid. Regular Crystal Methamphetamine users are more prone to extreme mood swings, depression, and stress. Since the drug-user becomes violent or aggressive, they often isolate themselves from family and friends, which not only affects the drug-users themselves, but also the people close to them. 

Psychosis is also a side effect of taking Crystal Methamphetamine, which is when somebody loses touch with reality. Crystal Methamphetamine users who have psychosis experience distorted beliefs on what’s happening in life, and can see or hear things that are not actually there. The hallucinations are part of schizophrenia, which is common amongst Crystal Methamphetamine users. Mood disorders and anxiety are also major effects of abusing Crystal Methamphetamine. 

During Crystal Methamphetamine withdrawal the drug-user will experience confusion, paranoia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and nightmares. These effects can last a couple of weeks, which often can cause a drug-user to resort back to taking Crystal Methamphetamine to get the high again. 

If the drug-user already has mental health issues, the use of Crystal Methamphetamine greatly increases their problems. This is due to the normal side effects of using Crystal Methamphetamine clashing with the drug-users mental illness, which worsens it. 


In this report the drug Crystal Methamphetamine was discussed in great detail. The production and materials involved in the creation of Crystal Methamphetamine was mentioned, as well as information involving how the drug enters the body, and reacts with it. This mainly focuses on the brain and neurotransmitters which the drug affects and how it does so. Afterwards, it discussed how Crystal Methamphetamine can affect a drug-users mental health, and the problems that can arise from it. 

The effects of Crystal Methamphetamine on the brain are that the drug blocks off the Dopamine neurons, which causes the Dopamine to leak out and be unable to return into the neurons, which causes immense pleasure, but also extreme coming down withdrawals. Therefore, the effects on the drug-users mental health are, psychosis, paranoia, insomnia and many others. These effects are due to the messed up Dopamine levels inside the brain which Crystal Methamphetamine causes. 

Public education piece

My public education piece is a pamphlet to advise the general public of the information learned during this research assignment.


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