This chosen report explores the effects of Tetrahydrocannabinol on the brain resulting in the changes of our behaviour and was chosen because of the impact it has in today’s society that being  7% of all people over 25+ having tried marijuana in Australia. Across the whole earth, so all the 7 continents over 100 million people use marijuana. During the report it will tell you the effects Tetrahydrocannabinol has on the brain and what it does to our behavioural attributes.

 The report will be structured in a way which each paragraph will be a topic ranging from the chemical structure of THC all the way to the general attributes of the drug. It will include of any chemical reactions it creates in the body, and anything it does to the brain for example what it does to your neurotransmitters. Tetrahydrocannabinol is also better known as THC, but this is mostly commonly found in marijuana which is also named pot, hemp, weed, cannabis, herb, ganja, refer and many more which people even have their own personalised names for the drug for example “stickity-ickity” or “stanky danky”. Marijuana is made from marijuana trees and THC is found mainly on the leaves or in the flowers. THC is mainly put into your body by the following ways; inhalation so you breathe it in, oral, so that is anything through the mouth for example oils; topical which can be absorbed through your skin. There are the other ways for example injecting oils directly into your blood stream which wouldn’t be a safe option.

Individually, THC is most commonly extracted via inhalation. Once the THC in the smoke enters the lungs, it continues to the alveoli (tiny air sacks). It is here the THC is exchanged into the bloodstream. After the THC has enter your body it then works its way up through your blood and gets do your brain in only a matter of seconds. When the THC is traveling around your body in the blood stream it gets metabolized by organs such as livers, brain and heart. When your lungs absorb the THC it goes into your bloodstream, but the after math of smocking the marijuana is bad because you get more regular chest colds, also you have a higher chance of getting chronic bronchitis.  Chronic bronchitis is a major cough that can last 3 months and then come back a year later into your life. The most common thing for a person who smokes marijuana so they have THC is they have a lower standard of memory to compare someone who doesn’t.

The general properties of a chemical is the chemicals general characteristics that are in the chemical. For example what is the mass of the chemical? In THC the molar mass is equal to 314.4 g/mol (according to molar mass is the mass of the chemical compound or element divided by the amount of substance there is. The chemicals that are found in THC to give it weight are thorium and carbon. Roughly 95.1% of THC is made up of Thorium and the other 4.9% made up of carbon. The scientific symbol for these chemicals is Thc for thorium and C for Carbon. When putting these together makes our obvious answer THC and scientific name Tetrahydrocannabinol. Thc has a chemical structure of C21H30O2 meaning it has 21 carbon atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms and 2 oxygen atoms. The chemical structure of THC when dis placed looks like the following diagram. In this diagram all the lines (bonds) branching out by themselves are the 30 hydrogen atoms apart from 2 which are the oxygen atoms. The other 21 atoms remaining are all carbon atoms. This is what creates the THC when bonded together. In THC where the double bonds are found make one part of the THC more potent than the other.

Figure 1: THC Structure

When the THC is in your bloodstream when it reaches your brain it interferes with the endocannabinoid system which is a system that plays a role in how someone feels, moves and reacts. The endocannabinoid system which is EC for short, naturally producers a chemicals called cannabinoids which are like THC. The cannabinoids interact with the body to regulate inside your body that are extremely important. When THC is entered into the body it over whelms the EC system the moving faster connecting to cannabinoid receptors throughout the body and the brain. When the THC does this it interferes with the natural job of the cannabinoids regulating the body and communicating between neurons. Which is able to make the system become lopsided and off balance.

There are so many neurons in the body that when the THC is doing these things to your body it is able to throw a person’s athletic and driving skills down which is also better known as someone’s reaction time. It can also wreck someone’s short term memory which makes people forget things that had just happened, cause anxiety to someone which is things like nausea, it can wreck someone’s judgement and finally It effects parts of your brain that that determines how you feel. This is what gives people the effects of a “high” from the drug marijuana containing THC.

When someone has smoked has marijuana and have THC in there body it results in the behaviour of a person to change. These can range from many things from how you start treating people and how you sleep at night. The most common things for a regular marijuana smoker to have is lug conditions and to have heart problems. There are so problems that THC leaves on your mouth for example things like gum disease. Also marijuana can leave you with a higher chance of tooth decay and dry mouths because of what it does to the nervous system. Constant or a frequent use of the drug Marijuana can cause a disease called xerostomia which is like a cause of dry mouth and its harder to produce salvia in your mouth. Also it causes things like oral cancer, these things can be avoided by a high rate of dental high hygiene. In low hygiene it doesn’t make someone look as approachable as it does with someone with a high standard dental hygiene and pearl white teeth. So with a low hygiene you can also look like a less approachable person causing low communication skills if they are worried to approach you. Having a low approachable appearance could cause a lack in making new friends causing a small friend group. Making your self have low social skills. Having low social skills and not many friends can also lead to depression and anxiety.

Also a high risk attribute of the behaviour of a marijuana smoker is that they are able to become addicted and financial unstable for their needs of the drug. The possibilities of becoming financially unstable can result in becoming homeless or even not being able to support your own family, because you’re feeding your addiction with the money to support them. Marijuana has a large market in today’s society and large variety of users ranging from young teenagers all the way up to senior’s who are 60+ years old. This drug isn’t an easy thing to get out of your life because of this factor.  Making it such a hard drug to stop using because it’s all over Australia and having an addiction is something that is hard to get rid of.

Marijuana also alters people when they’re on a high. The ‘high’ is what people become addicted to making them feel un-usual and light headed like explained earlier in the report. The behaviour of someone who is on the drug is much different to someone who isn’t, they usually are very on focused on one task at a time. So for them it’s like the food they are eating tastes better or the music they are listening to sounds better.  When they are high they can also be extremely good at having a conversation or really bad. Because they are either going to be focused on the task on hand or the conversation they are having with you. From collected users of the drug 100% of the asked users said they would take the drug, under certain circumstances. Even though the drug is illegal in non-medicinal purposes in Victoria all of them were willing to take it again. The investigation showed us the behaviour of the participants were willing to do this drug even though it’s against the law but aren’t willing to do other things against the law.

When under the influence of THC the drug makes everything seem like it tastes better as said before, so the apatite of the food on their mind once start eating becomes greatly increased because of the change in the focussing of their mind.  They become focused on the food and keep eating until they are willing enough to tell themselves to stop or they aren’t able to eat the food. People who are on a ‘high’ are
Finalising this report it shows us that THC is found in Marijuana which is a very high populated drug in Australia meaning it’s easy to get, says that THC is a very commonly used drug by people, following after alcohol. People generally have THC by smoking it in the form of Marijuana and these is in then entered into the blood stream through inhalation. This is what causes the disease in the lungs. But also the inhalation through the mouth is what causes the gum and mouth diseases.

 Also this shows you the results an addiction of the drug can do to you with loss of a stable financial fund. The drug can result in medical bills also because of the aftermath of taking the drug. The drug effects medical facilities and everything around you but it effects your body just as much.  You can start to feel anxiety and depression. THC effects your brain and creates your mind to only focus on one task at a time. Resulting in the influenced personal of the drug to be focused on you or on something completely different.

I hope you have learnt from this report and you are able to find what you were looking for, rather than myself when I had to look through a billion websites. thank-you for taking your time to read this.

Public education piece

My public education piece is an artwork to advise the general public of the information learned during this research assignment.

If you get caught up with taking THC and smoking marijuana that contains THC, you may find yourself wrapped up in the drug and become addicted. This is represented by the marijuana leaf wrapped in a red ribbon. The glasses are there to represent the loss of focus in your body, because when you are 'high' on THC, you only have the ability to focus on one thing at a time. The lonely island and the money is there to show us that if you develop an addiction to THC and spend lots of money on the drug you may end up isolated. THC can also harmfully impact on you and your family.
Drugs are bad, stay in school.


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