This report will be exploring how Cocaine affects the brain and the mental and physical health of someone after taking cocaine.

Physical and mental health Is important to the society and you because if you don’t have good mental health then you can be depressed and you won’t let anyone in or you take your anger or stress out on them. And it is important to have good physical health because without physical health then your immune system becomes weaker and your other organs begin to find it hard to function which can sometimes lead to high blood pressure, heart attacks, weak muscles and more.


Production process: Cocaine has a couple of different steps to be made. The main ingredient to make the cocaine drug is a leaf from a coca plant which is found in northern and western south America.

1. Gasoline is poured to soak up coca leaves.
2. Then it is drained so it can be filtered to make the base
3. The cocaine base is then filtered through a cloth
4. It is then dried to make a more pure form of the cocaine base.
5. The cocaine base is then dissolved then heated to make the crystals
6. Excess solvents are then removed, first by hand then by hydraulic press.
7. Solvents are then removed by using a microwave oven to make the basis for the cocaine powder.
8. It is then mixed and left to sit
9. Excess water, sodium chloride, and other substances can be removed by cooking the oil to a rock like substance.

This produces The final pure form of cocaine.

When finished Cocaine can appear as a white crystal or powder when it has finished being made. Cocaine melts at 98 degrees Celsius and is soluble in alcohol, chloroform, ether, oil turpentine, olive oil, liquid petrolatum, and is slightly soluble in water. Cocaine has a molecular mass of 303.35 g/mol.

Cocaine enters the blood stream when someone inhales it through the nose it interrupts the reabsorption of dopamine blocking the hole that the dopamine goes through.

When a user takes cocaine, it interrupts the reabsorption of dopamine in the synapse, causing you to need more and more cocaine to create the same high as the first high the user had. It takes over and stops the dopamine intake and after a while nothing else will matter to you because when it takes over the rein take of dopamine it releases new particles that take over. Causing you to get addicted to the drug


When someone takes in Cocaine they feel bright and happy and alert but there is a downside. The users can feel more paranoid, more aggravated, they can have hallucinations, take risks, can’t feel pain, and have a violent behaviour.

When cocaine has been taken the users tend to sweat. This is because when cocaine is taken it raises the body temperature. And when you do physical activity your body temperature rises even more then how it normally would rise. Cocaine can also make you lead to heart attacks and heart disease, because cocaine builds up cholesterol on the arteries and puts a lot of stress on the blood vesicles and then that can lead to heart attacks and other heart problem.


So here we can see that cocaine has many different effects on the brain and to our mental and physical health.

So when a user takes in cocaine the lose what is important to them because cocaine takes over the dopamine rein take causing the addiction then the more cocaine you have the sicker you become.

Thank you for reading my scientific journal on how cocaine affects the brain and our mental and physical health.

And remember don’t do drugs kids

Public Education Piece

My public education piece is a video to advise the general public of the information learned during this research assignment.