The aim of this report is to explain the reaction of flunitrazepam on the brain and therefore the user’s mental health while under the influence of the said drug. The mental health of any person in many ways can affect anyone if not everyone surrounding the individual, therefore it is crucial to society. Mental health can play a crucial part in someone’s life. From the way that the person perceives the world and reacts to serious or strenuous situations, to simply doing basic every day tasks. Flunitrazepam can have a huge impact on the mental wellbeing of someone whether it is inhibiting or enhancing said mental disorders. Flunitrazepam users will have many symptoms from taking the drug, prescribed or unwillingly taken users will experience hypnotic affects, making them dizzy and disorientated, relaxation of the skeletal muscle, making them stumble/fall and in most cases collapse, and the drug will induce you into a deep sleep. Flunitrazepam will cause in most cases short term memory loss and in worst cases amnesia from the moment the drug was ingested until the effects of the drug wear off.  In this report we will explore the chemical properties of Flunitrazepam, how the drug Is made. the brains reaction to the said drug and then how this drug can affect one’s mental health.


Flunitrazepam, also commonly known as ‘Rohypnol’ or “date rape,’ is a strong hypnotic of the Benzodiazepine class drug. Flunitrazepam production includes many tricky steps that require steady and careful application. The production steps to making flunitrazepam include radical halogenation, the nucleophilic substitution of bromide by cyanide, the hydrolysis of a nitrile (cyanide) to make an acid, the formation of an acid chloride using thionyl chloride, a Friedel-Crafts reaction and phenyl hydrazide formation. The production then continues with an ozonolysis to form an amide. The amide is hydrolysed to give an amine and this then reacts with an acid bromide to form once again a new amide. After the substitution of a bromide, a condensation reaction occurs giving the final product. Flunitrazepam’s chemical formula is C16H12FN3O3, has a melting point of 167 degrees Celsius and has no odour or colour once the tablet is dissolved in a liquid. The drug is most commonly taken orally, by swallowing a 1 or 2mg tablet. The effects of the drug can occur as quickly as 15- 20 minutes making it vital that the person is in a safe environment while under the influence. If a said individual had their alcoholic drink be ‘spiked’ the effects will not only occur quicker but will be heightened making the drug even more dangerous. While orally digesting the drug is most common many still try to ‘snort’ the drug by crushing the tablets. As the drug need to be dissolved either before being taken or being dissolved inside of the body ‘snorting’ the drug will in no way heighten or make the effects occur faster. Flunitrazepam enters the brain very quickly and works by binding to a specific type of receptor, which is shared among any groups of nerve cells involved in anxiety, memory, sedation and coordination. The normal role of these receptors is to respond to an abundant and important the neurotransmitter called GABA (Gamma- amino butyric acid). When GABA activates they reduce nerve activity in the brain. Benzodiazepines grip tightly to a specific part of the GABA receptor, called the benzodiazepine site. When bound, benzodiazepines heighten the effect of GABA so they shut down brain activity more effectively causing the user to fall into an induced sleep


Flunitrazepam can affect an individual’s mental health in many ways, especially from miss use of the drug. One of the most common nick names of flunitrazepam is ‘Date Rape.’ This name occurring from the multiple cases in which the drug is administered in an individual’s drink without their knowledge and lengthy sexual assaults can take place without the victim having any memory of the event afterwards. In some cases, victims don’t even know that they have been assaulted until all of the side effects subside and their memory begins to return.  This can not only change that said person’s mental wellbeing but also the wellbeing of their body. This drug is used for cases such as these as the drug is odourless, colourless and when dissolved into alcohol the effects of the drug not only heighten the reaction time is much faster. The drug commonly takes 15-20 minutes to reach the starting stages of the effects. Whilst if it is dissolved into alcohol it takes 10-15 minutes to take place, making the influenced individual not only experience the effects of the drug but the mental trauma of being harassed as well. Although the flunitrazepam is most commonly known for being misused Flunitrazepam is prescribed to help individuals with insomnia. Insomnia is when an individual has the inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep. Essentially insomnia is linked to many mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression, making it very common. Although insomnia is common it is unlikely that someone is going to be prescribed a drug such as flunitrazepam unless it is a worst case scenario. If prescribed the drug has strict guidelines in which are legally enforced to protect not only the prescribed individual’s safety but also those around them. You must be at home when consuming the drug and cannot leave the house until all side effects wear off, and the prescription is only valid for 2-4 weeks, if you exceed this period of time this would then be considered as becoming ‘dependant’ of the drug. Although an overdoes is rarely fatal, emergency services are sometimes still required as the drug can make people vomit, badly hallucinate and even fall into comas. When combined with other drugs such as alcohol and cannabis the risk increases massively as the drug links to the central nervous and respiratory systems, there is a chance that you may stop breathing. Other side effects include hallucinations, vertigo, skin rashes, stomach problems and seizures.


In conclusion this report provides an understanding of how flunitrazepam affects the brain and therefore the user’s mental health. It has explored the properties of flunitrazepam from the way it reacts in the brain to the melting point and reaction time. How the drug is manufactured and made, going from stage to stage explaining the changes in the reactions and substance forms. The report also gives us an understanding of how flunitrazepam affects one’s mental health. This drug is a dangerous drug if not taken as prescribed. As the drug does supress not only both your central nervous and respiratory system but your Gamma-Amino Butyric acid (GABA), it does have large risks when it comes to one’s mental and physical wellbeing. Especially when the drug has such strong and quick effects on the human body. Flunitrazepam has a huge effect on the brain and body much like mental health. Therefore, flunitrazepam can have a huge impact on one’s mental health.

Public Education Piece

My public education piece is a Brochure to advise the general public of the information learned during this research assignment.


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