To discover what effects cocaine has on our mental health and the physical effects we counter when taking this drug. This practical report will examine and restate key areas and terms on cocaine and the problems it causes not only to whom but the society. Discovering different chemical reactions and pathways that occur in the synapse and why this causes dysfunction.

Cocaine is a lethal overused drug, causing families to break up and struggle to blend in with normal social society. Destroying thousands of people's lives and damaging mental health, this drug is abused all over the world.

Having bad mental health not only causes families to have more fights and breakups, but also leads to stress and low self-esteem. To keep a good mental health you must have an all-round nutritious  diet. Exercising can improve ones sense of wellbeing and keep you energized. Staying off drugs not only helps you mentally but can also physically improve your feelings and sense of belonging. Bad health leads to bullying and social problems. Maintaining a good mental health does not just mean eating the right vitamins but you need also to keep a good diet. Finance and money are also wasted when spending your savings on un-needed short term highs, which leads to lung cancer, loss of hair and rotting teeth.


Cocaine’s main formula, including ingredients consist of cornstarch, powdered milk, powdered sugar, coca leaves and can also have amphetamines or caffeine mixed into the batch. Considering it’s an easy substance to dilute, there are many mixtures this drug can be maintained with. 

The process and steps to make cocaine include harvesting a thousand kilos in order to get one kilo of this illicit substance. This is a native drug to South Americans, the main suppliers of this around the world. In order to get the cocaine extracts and make it, many steps are involved. Once the leaves have fallen off the tree they are then collected and dried out thoroughly by using the natural sun. Cement powder is sprinkled over the dried leaves, then a mixture of ammonia and lime is poured into the batch and stirred. While being constantly mixed together, diesel gasoline gets sprayed over the product using a watering can. Poured out into a plastic tub, more gasoline is added but this time its gradually flowed into the mix. Soaked for a few hours, the diesel gasoline causes the minced leaves to then extract out from the cocaine. Draining out the gasoline and cocaine liquid means that more ammonia can be added to separate the cocaine extract from the diesel gasoline. By making this into a paste, continuous amounts of ammonia must be added. The outcome for colour is a change from light green to an opaque strong mix and then becomes a very milky white.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter located in the substantia nigra, deep part of the synapse used to feel pleasure, different moods, sensations and pain . Having this product build up in the brain causes us to feel ongoing sensations and urges. This outcome is not good and leads to many illnesses. Cocaine makes our brain confused, supplying large amounts of dopamine continuously to the synapse. Having huge amounts can be fatal.
Cocaine can enter the bloodstream via inhaling, snorting or by injecting this drug into your body. Crack is an illicit drug that has many street names such as badrock, beat, ball and bazooka. It is typically used as an anesthetic or to have a “good high”. Many people suffer and gradually succumb to mental illness from crack exposure. Problems that occur include eating and sleeping disturbances, heart problems, seizures or respiratory problems (breathing issues). 
The molecule weight is 303.36 g/mol.

(Figure 1) Cocaine's chemical structure. Retrieved from  

The chemical formula for Cocaine is C17H21NO4.

The effects of smoking crack or injecting this substance by some form include an increased awareness of their senses, alertness and the person receives large rushes of energy. Whether this drug is snorted, eaten or injected into the body the outcome is the same when cocaine reaches the central nervous system in the brain.
Cocaine boosts dopamine levels causing humans to have a high concentration and increased mood changes. Dopamine is a chemical that allows us to feel pleasure and activates many hormones. When there is too much in the system it creates dysfunction. When excess dopamine reaches the brain it floods the pressure center, which interferes with normal brain function.  Maintaining balanced levels of dopamine is important for mental health along with physical abilities.

When cocaine enters the synapse via the bloodstream, the system cannot control the flow of dopamine to the transport sites. This allows dopamine to increase to extreme levels which is detrimental to the brain, making us feel ‘high’ and invincible for certain lengths of time. This illicit drug can be used as a powder that gets snorted or is known as crack which gets heated and smoked. Crack is more dangerous as it is based around being 75% to 100% pure. Cocaine is known to be a popular rich person's drug and crack is a popular drug smoked by teens because it”s ever-so-cheap price.


When cocaine gets taken, over time many long term effects can be drawn, but the main problem is mental health. Having bad mental health issues leads to stress, anxiety and physiological signs and symptoms. Many people suffer from drug addictions and habits because of wanting a sense of heightened feelings and hoping to forget their problems. Drug abuse leads to many detrimental issues, including depression.
To sustain and control a good mental health, being active and participating in group regulated activities builds confidence and self control. According to ABC Health and Wellbeing network, to have and keep a good mental health you must have positive emotions, relationships, engagement, purpose, meaning, and accomplishments. However other researchers suggest there are many more ways and techniques people can obtain to achieve a healthy life.
Cocaine is a very powerfully dangerous drug that not only leads and causes mental illness, but affects your physical abilities as well. Mentally, when continous amounts of this product is taken, it doesn’t only make it addictive but it gives you anxiety and further bad habits. Because cocaine makes you feel ‘high’ from built up levels of dopamine in the recpetors, you feel a larger urge to take this drug again and again.
This drug instantly takes effect after entering the blood stream. Short term problems that occur are constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, increased blood pressure and heart rate. These issues can then cause further long term injuries and mental problems.
Many people have alcohol as a product along with cocaine. This can be particualry dangerous in the aspect that when they both mix together, they produce a dangerous chemical called cocaethylene. Cocaethylene has damaging properties that are toxic to the heart. When consumed regualry the outcome can become lethal. With regular amounts of these substances, our brain begins to adapt, making us more prone to having bad chemicals. The receptors then become more sensitive to feel negative moods and displeasure when not taking this toxin, making us seek cocaine regualry, instead of feeling natural pleasure and rewards.


The main problems and issues that cocaine gives, are not only from mental and physical health but include your self esteem and physiological state. The effect of cocaine on the brain not only damages heart function but also decreases your ability to do simple physical and intellectual tasks. Mental heath is very important, by sustaining this we need to keep off bad chemicals and continue with natural or rewarded dopamine prosscers. 
Continuous amounts of cocaine makes your brian adapt, meaning you have to take higher doeses each time. In doing so you are also destroying your body whether it be by teeth decay or cancer in the lungs. Effects of this chemical can become lethal or even deadily. Taking two products at the same time, such as alcohol makes the chemical reation worse. Binge drinking while on drugs can also lead to serious or hazardous problems occuring in your body. 

Public Education Piece

For my educational piece I did a powerpoint on what problems and effects cocaine can cause. This report will show basic information on what I have learnt through this extended investigation. Drugs don't only affect yourself but also effect the people  surround you.


Drug abuse problems and issues, (2015) “How does Cocaine affect the brain and why?.” Retrieved from
Mental Health Daily, (2013-2017) Problems occurring form cocaine. Retreived from
Puff the Mutant dragon, (2016) The chemical structure of cocaine. Retrieved from
How to contain a good mental health, (Sep 11, 2014) what is good mental health and why?. Retrieved from