The whole purpose of this report is to prove to the reader that the the drug in question is in fact quite terrible for the body if taken in very large doses can in this report you shall read about the how the drug is synthesised and the chemical makeup of the drug and how it enters the body and takes effects on the brain.
Social life is important to society because it is the one thing that makes us human after all the things that the human race does without being social you are considered to be an outsider which would more likely lead you to take drugs to make you feel better.
The basic structure of this of this scientific journal article is the introduction which should include an explanation of the purpose of the report, an overview of why the drug is important to society then we move onto the background where it should state the production process of the drug, an understanding of the drug, then how the drug enters the body and if any chemical reactions occur in the body and finally for the background how the chosen drug affects the brain, now onto the discussion in this it should talk about how the chosen drug effects on the social life and then finally we have the conclusion were it goes of the report ing a summary and answers the key question which is ‘What is the effect of Benzodiazepines on the brain and therefore social life?’.


(figure 1(valium structure) retrieved from

Valium is synthesised by doing this procedure: 
Molecular Formula: C16H13ClN2O - (figure 2 retrieved from

The drug Benzodiazepine is a minor tranquilliser that is are prescribed by a doctor to help people with anxiety, insomnia and sometimes muscle pains,the most common form is a table but it can also in a liquid form and in a epi-pen pen type form, the tablet form is swallowed which is then dissolved then it makes it’s way into the bloodstream and then to the area which it is needed, this drug affects the reward pathways of the brain, since it causes it puts a barrier near the synapse so the brain doesn't register producing dopamine so it causes a surge in dopamine levels to make up for what it thinks it hasn’t made, this is in response to taking the drug which initiates a change in synaptic plasticity in dopamine-producing cells.This can cause the body to have a high sometimes.
Taking the drug will cause the body relax, since benzodiazepines is a classification let’s focus on one of the more common one Diazepam (Valium).
Valium is used to help treat anxiety and nervousness, It also can help treat alcohol withdrawal,and like most drugs relax the muscles, and  help calm some certain types of seizures. Since this drug is a more common one you are able to get it at most pharmacies as since it is an over the counter drug, most people chose this for this type of problem as since it is a fairly cheap drug only costing about $8, which can be a problem since people can overdose (O.D) on it since it does help but people think it's a cheap drug so they take more than needed.


The effects of Valium can vary due to the dosage that each person takes and if they are on any other type of drug, but if valium is taken by itself and within the prescribed amount there shouldn’t be much to worry about, but if taken for longer than prescribed the user can become addicted which can cause a large problem since that can lead to taken more than prescribed which then takes an effect on the user's social life due to them taking to much of valium it could cause them to become sluggish which can affect your interaction with the world and impact the user’s friend circle and then they would have to buy more will cause them to buy more and then rely on valium and then getting money off friends and co-workers which can cause problems and in the morse case valium can the user to have a heart to stop and the well the person will not have a social life anymore.


To sum up this report, first let go over that was a report on how ‘Benzodiazepines and  the effects on the brain and therefore social life?’ than later on we went into greater detail about the how benzodiazepines was a classification and how there a many type and how this report was going to go and follow one of the more common types Diazepam (Valium), then how the drug itself is synthesised (made) by following a procedure, the forms that valium takes and how it is most commonly taken and the effects it has on the body and the effects that i can have on the brain, the prices of the drug itself making it a more common choice for its type and how valium takes its effect on a person taking it normally, over the prescribed time and taking more than they should and the effects that that would have on the body.
The effect of Benzodiazepines on the brain and therefore social life? Is a more harder one to answer since it is a common drug but after reading this you should be able to tell that taking Valium in a mass numbers or for a long period of time is terrible to users social life due to problems may it be physical mental or other issues that this drug should only be taken if needed and if given to you by your doctor for the correct length stated.

Public education piece

For my public education piece I made a flyer to advise the general public of the information showed in this report.


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