One of the gifts in life is to experience pleasure which methamphetamines will no doubt give you it, but 1 thing people need to consider is that it will ruin your mental health. Methamphetamines also known as ice, speed or crystal meth has many names on the street. It is a cheap drug that takes over many peoples lives. It affects the mental health in several ways such as damage to the brain and the way you think. Methamphetamine  is so powerful that it can cause addiction the first time it is used, it is a feel good drug that affects the brain by releasing lots of dopamine. Methamphetamines is addictive because when high on methamphetamines it causes a pleasurable experience which doesn't last forever leading to addiction. Mental health is damaged due to methamphetamine being so addictive which mental health is in danger because you'll start to develop mental illness. Methamphetamines is an illegal drug that is highly addictive and affects the nervous system. It causes the brain to have several hallucinations which last up to 12  hours.


Figure 1: Crystal Methamphetamines Retrieved from

Methamphetamines is an illegal drug that is highly addictive and affects the nervous system, it appears  to have positive effects on the mood, energy and confidence but they can also have negative impacts on mental and physical health, relationships, and life in general. Methamphetamine  stimulates the brain and central nervous system, and can be put in alot of outcomes. Methamphetamine can become more important than other activities in your life, leading in poor physical and mental health, social and financial problems, and family breakdown.  When methamphetamines is used there are monoamines producing and adrenaline which makes the heart beat alot faster which can cause irreversible damage to to the brain It causes damage to blood vessels of heart and brain, high blood pressure leading to heart attacks, stroke or even death.  When this drug has been used regularly it can feel a lot different and strange not to be on the drug which can make some people abusive. When methamphetamines go into the cardiovascular system via injection or inhalation, it enters the bloodstream,( effects can be felt in 3 to 7 seconds) then carried into the circulatory system which then eventually goes into the brain. Dopamine is released into the synapse then connects to the receptors, dopamine activates the receiving neuron to experience sensations that can last up to around 12 hours. Once inside a neuron, methamphetamine causes that neuron to release lots of dopamine. All this dopamine causes the person to feel an extra sense of sensation. Once the methampetamines have been in the body for up to 2 hours your heart rate increases and blood vessels dilate. Hallucinations start to begin such as insects under your skin causing you to scratch and pick at your skin. Through to the 3rd 12th hour your brain receptors have become damaged. 12 hours is enough time for the user to become addicted. 

Figure 2: before and after Retrieved from
Figure 3 chemical formula : 


Methamphetamines affects the mental health in a lot of ways. It is a highly addictive drug which when methamphetamines is taken more than just twice it becomes almost impo Once patient has become addicted all the cravings will come and all there is to think about is the hallucinations while on methamphetamines. After a while using this drug you'll start to forget about your family, friends and just life in general because methamphetamines will take over your life. With mental health and this drug it does affect you in several ways including memory loss,  changes in brain structure and function, Weight loss, bone loss, hallucinations, getting distracted becomes a lot easier, tooth decay, depression, Liver, kidney and lung damage and a lot more. High chances of severe mental illnesses will be a negative outcome. Once taken this drug there is a high chance your looks and mental health will never be the same again. Being on this drug affects your body so badly it can kill you, break all relationships with all the people that surrounds you, methamphetamines becomes a part in everyday life. One of the reasons someone  might take this drug is because they are lonely and depressed so they will do methamphetamines to get the on a high. 

Figure 4: Methamphetamines on the brain . Retrieved from


From the research we have discovered that methamphetamine has a lot of damage to your mental health. It affects the way the person will think and concentrate for there whole life. It leads to depression and other mental health problems which can be a big issue because it can then lead to suicide if serious mental health problems. This is a big issue in our society and needs to be completely vanished before the next generation get the urge to try it.  

Public Education Piece

For my public education piece I made a slideshow to advise the general public of the information showed in this report.
