The purpose of this report is to recognize the effect of heroin on the brain and what it does to your mental, physical present and long-term health. It is also intended to explain the serious long term physical changes the human body.

Businesses benefit when employees have good mental health. Mental health is associated with higher productivity, better performance, more consistent work attendance, and fewer workplace accidents. Physical health is important to society strictly for the user’s health, it reduces the risk of heart attacks, managing weight Cholesterol, stronger bones, muscles and joints and simply because being physically healthy makes the user feel good.

This report will touch on the different ways of administrating heroin, how heroin effects the reward system , how your mental and physical health will be effected , and the chemical procedure of heroin itself


Injection of heroin, also known as slamming, banging, shooting up, digging or mainlining is a popular method which carries relatively greater risks than other methods of taking administrating it into your body. The Users tend to inject into easiest accessible spots, usually the arm veins, but these veins collapse over time, users resort to more dangerous areas of the body, such as the femoral vein in the groin. Users who have used this route of administration often develop a deep vein thrombosis in the groin. The Ongoing use of heroin causes the brain to change, because the body is being constantly flooded with extra opiates and dopamine.

With heroin coming into the body, the brain gets used to this and is tricked to stop making dopamine naturally. This means that if the person stops taking heroin, they stop feeling good or being able to experience pleasure, which can lead to them becoming dependent on the drug. Heroin joins to and activates certain receptors in the brain called mu-opioid receptors.

The starting procedure for heroin is the opium poppy itself.

Our bodies naturally produce chemicals called neurotransmitters that bind to these receptors throughout the brain and body to regulate pain, hormone release. When MORs are activated in the reward centre of the brain, they stimulate the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, causing a sensation of pleasure. In society physical and mental health are extremely important, a lot relies on being mentally focused. As a result, the “high” caused by heroin effects on the brain cancel out natural endorphin production processes. In turn, the body interprets heroin effects on the brain as the new “norm” and comes to require these effects in order to function normally.


The effects of any drug vary from person to person. How heroin affects a person depends on many things including the individuals size, weight and health, also whether the person is used to taking it and whether other drugs are taken around the same time with the first chosen drug , in this case, Heroin.

The effects of any drug also depend on the amount taken. This can be very hard to judge as the quality and strength of illicit drugs can vary greatly from one batch to another. A high dose of heroin can cause a person to overdose. This means that a person has taken more heroin than their body can cope with.

High doses of heroin can intensify some of the effects. People may also experience: impaired concentration, shallow and slow breathing nausea and vomiting increased sweating and itching urge to pass urine but difficulty doing so drop in body temperature, irregular heartbeat and falling asleep quite easily in irregular places also a high dosage of  heroin may lead to the users death.

 Low to moderate doses. Some of the effects that may be experienced after taking heroin include feelings of intense pleasure, confusion, lowered cough reflex, pain relief, reduced sexual urges, drowsiness, slurred and slow speech, reduced coordination, large pupils, users mouth may be dry and large appetite.

Depending on how the heroin has been administrated into the body, usually the quickest reacting method id injecting, which takes 7-8 minutes for the heroin to take effect, by smoking or snorting the affects take 10-15 minutes and the drug will last 3-5 hours with a low to moderate dosage taken. The long-term effects of heroin on the users health include: Dependence on people to do simple takes for them, constipation menstrual irregularity and infertility in women, loss of sex drive in men, intense sadness, cognitive impairment, damage to heart, lungs, liver and brain.

Some other long-term effects of heroin are related to the method of use: Repeated snorting damages the nasal lining. Frequent injecting in the same place can cause inflammation, abscesses, vein damage and scarring. Injecting can also result in skin, heart and lung infections. The impurities and additives in heroin, if injected can also damage veins. This can also cause thrombosis.

Figure 1: The human bodies long-term effects to heroin


In conclusion heroin is a very dangerous when abused. Heroin manipulates the brains reward system to rely on the opium and Morphenate as a constant pleasure source , the brain becomes independent on the heroin to feel good.

Depending on the dosage taken heroin can lead to a quick death if not immediately treated to , This drug is extremely dangerous and can easily ruin your life.

Public Education Piece

My public education piece is a slideshow to advise the general public of the information learned during this research assignment.


James .L (2016) heroin

equipment for heroin

EMCDDA heroin, European monitoring centre for drugs (2015)

heroin , Wikipedia (2015)

how does heroin work, addiction blog (2015)

long term effects of heroin,