The purpose of this report is to examine the effects of steroids on sport and therefore the effects on mental health problems. Steroids or anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are becoming more common within the society and the pastimes people enjoy and especially becoming popular in people trying to bulk up.

 Sport is a big part of Australia, with Australian rules popular in every state and territory in Australia, Rugby is a massive hit in New South Wales and Queensland also Cricket are popular throughout the entire country. Children around Australia might chose to follow with one or few of these sport whether to put on a footy boot or pad up for cricket and head out for a match on everyday basis. Parents might go and watch their child participate in some of these sport or sometimes they may end up playing with them. However, the ability of steroid can cause mental instability. This could result in strong desire to win and steroids user can become stronger than most of their opponent. This report should provide detailed information about steroids and how they form, what they are based upon and natural steroid hormones that are produce within the body.


Chemical synthesizing testosterone from DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) suspend yeast in water and add disodium hydrogen phosphate. Leave it on the shaker outside for 1 day then add DHEA in water and put it on the shaker again for 2 days outside. Add brown sugar or honey and let it sit in room temperature for 3 days. Now extract the mixture with methylene chloride and the ether washed by shaking with water and separating ether solution. Leave it in heat to evaporate to get the testosterone.

The simplest form of steroid to manufactured is Gonane (it’s the steroid nucleus) (C17H28) but the most common type that found in the body is testosterone (C19H28O2) (see the figure 2).

Figure 1 retrieved from
Figure 2 retrieved from

Studies have concluded that these anabolic steroids have little to no effect on the brains reward pathway. The first experiment involved giving male rat’s methandrostenolone for two weeks and had no effect on the reward or performance components of intracranial self-stimulation. The second experiment involved 15 weeks of treatment using an AAS cocktail of testosterone cypionate, nandrolone decanoate and boldenone undecylenate that did not alter brain reward.

Studies have found that the effects of testosterone (being the basis for brain, namely the temporal lobe, relating to language processing. Steroids are generally fat soluble, allowing the ability for any change within a cell.

Anabolic steroids have been found to effect the brains neurotransmitter systems. Studies have shown that taking steroids can affect the brains serotonin and dopamine systems. These studies have shown that an anabolic steroid, nandrolone, can change the response to stimulating intoxicants by lessening the release of intoxicant-induced neurotransmitters.
intoxicants by lessening the release of intoxicant-induced neurotransmitters.

The most common form of Steroid is anabolic-androgenic steroids(AAS) also refer to as Anabolic steroids. They are made to effect the male sex hormones testosterone so they can gain more muscle.


Anabolic steroids can be legally purchased in many third world countries to treat medical conditions to do with steroids hormones deficiency. In some of these countries steroids must be purchased with a prescription.

As AAS are an illicit drug, anabolic steroids are highly valuable for are highly valuable for underground producer. In some of American’s pharmacies these steroids can run upwards of $300 (400 AUD) but many of the user will buy it from underground supplier for one third of the price. Most of the underground producer will give these steroids to regular people who work out at a gym who just want to get slightly larger mass.

In Thailand, anabolic steroids are legally available over the counter. Many of these can cost 512 THB ($20 AUD). In Australia the same amount would cost $250-350 per vial.

In 2012-13, there were a 57% increase in border seizures of steroids. 90% of the increase was due to the attempted smuggling via parcels. In this time, there were 6,126 steroid detections, most detected in over a decade.

Testosterone is use to improve athlete performances and it consider to be very doping because the user can outperform their opponent. Testosterone comes from cholesterol like many other hormones. There is other type of steroids available: Progesterone (C21H30O2) is another form of steroid that naturally occurs within the body and is involved with the female menstrual cycle, pregnancy and embryogenesis.

Most AAS are either injected or digested into the muscle. Even though there are some available in cream, lotion or gel form but most athletes prefer to inject because it give them faster result than using cream form. When abused the dosage may become 10-100 times higher than the recommended dosage.

Most users will take steroids intermittently over continuously to avoid the side effects. These side effects include Hypogonadism (damage in the testicle or ovaries when it product little or no hormones), hair loss, breast cancer, liver, kidney and heart diseases. injuries to tendons due to being unable to keep up with rapid muscle development, delusional and feeling invincible and/or superhuman, muscle tremors and stunted bone growth in adolescents. There are some side effects that apply only to specific genders. It has been found that males can suffer from testicle and penis shrinkage and reduced sperm count, prostate problems, baldness and gynaecomastia/ breast development.

Many sports around the world are enjoyed by people playing and viewing. The most common place to find people using anabolic steroids is professional bodybuilding. The majority of bodybuilders are understood to take some form of anabolic steroid to increase their muscle mass. Many of the people who use steroids in high doses have admitted to aggressive acts such as theft, physical attacks and vandalism.

Steroids will increase the chance of aggression from the user. The steroids, working like testosterone, which has been found to have an effect on the natural brain circuit, will be supposedly mimicking what the natural testosterone effects have when they increase. The sports performance of the user, as mentioned previously, will increase aggression levels within an athlete, causing them to become more prepared to be more head-first in their approach to what they are doing.

This can cause potential injury to themselves or others, depending on what sport, due to the desire to win mixed with aggression levels rising to become reckless in decisions and potentially having a ‘win by any means’ way of thinking.

An experiment was conducted where preadolescent male hamsters were given daily steroid injections for 30 days. After this, an intruder hamster was placed inside the cage to observe what reaction the hamsters gave. Half of the injected hamsters recorded more than 20 attacks while the other half recoded less than 5. It was observed after testing that some of the hamsters had exerted more aggressive behaviour.

Steroids are used in many other fields as well. In America, the FDA (food and drug administration) has given the green light to multiple steroid hormones to be used with livestock such as sheep and cattle.


Steroids can be dangerous and are unpredictable due to the base of all anabolic steroids, testosterone. These steroids can be found readily available if sourced correctly and have become big business for any illegal producers. They can cause increased aggression among many other physical and mental side effects, and the steroids people use can be incredibly dangerous due to illegal production. The illegal forms may be cheaper but the producers may use questionable ingredients from questionable sources. The steroids athletes may choose to use, while giving them a strength advantage, can quickly become their downfall due to the fatigue and insomnia they can cause. So how do steroids affect the brain and therefore sports performance, they simply cause the person to suffer from the previously mentioned conditions that will ultimately cause a drop in performance and will eventually cause a player or athlete to be unable to compete.

Public Education Piece

My public education piece is a pamphlet to advise the general public of the information learned during this research assignment.


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